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Grant Round Report Form
1. Page 1
2. Page 2
Create Grant Round Report Form
Fields with
are required.
1. Page 1
Name of recipient/company
Email for acknowledgement
Application Number
Applicant Unique Identifier Number
Name of award recipient
Amount of Culture Ireland award (€)
Irish Tax ID or Charity Number
Date/s event took place
Location of event
2. Page 2
Describe public response to event
For analysis reasons please provide exact audience numbers or closest estimates
Additional Audience (e.g. through live streaming, radio, TV coverage etc )
Description of audience above (e.g. streamed live on tv-channel, broadcast on rte radio 1 etc)
How was Culture Ireland‘s contribution acknowledged?
Please estimate the total number of days of employment for your international event
Culture Ireland logo
Please indicate where the Culture Ireland logo was used:
On invitations
On posters
On catalogue
In press/media
On website
Orally at event
Connections made
Please give details of any proposed follow-up to your visit
Critical response (include links to all reviews)
Please summarise what you feel the value of your visit was for you / your company
Please indicate the value of your visit in terms of promoting Irish culture
Have you engaged with a Culture Ireland Cultural Officer over the course of this activity?
-- Select answer --
If yes, did you find this engagement useful?
-- Select answer --
I confirm that funding was applied in accordance with the grant rules
I confirm that invoices have not and will not be used in support of other reimbursements
required *